Things to know about Deepfakes

Things to know about Deepfakes

Things to know about Deepfakes Ai Technique currently trending in the tech world.

This Ai technique is a way of blending video images.

It also an artificial intelligence-based human image synthesis technique use in creating fake videos.

Deepfake pornography surfaced on the Internet in 2017, particularly on Redditand has been banned by sites including Reddit, Twitter, and Pornhub.

Deepfakes can be used to create fake news and malicious hoaxes.

Manipulating Deepfakes on porn

Non-pornographic Deepfakes can be easily found on popular online video streaming sites such as Youtube or Vimeo.

A popular program is FakeApp, which makes use of TensorFlow.

Techniques for faking facial gestures and rendering onto the target video as look-alike of the target person were presented in 2016 and allow near real-time counterfeiting of facial expressions in existing 2D video.

Artificial intelligence is proving to be a very capable tool when it comes to manipulating videos of people.

Things to know about Deepfakes

  • It uses AI to read someone’s dance moves and copy them on to a target body.
  • According to the researcher, a source video is found and a stick figure made of their movements.
  • When the swap happens, with a neural network synthesizing video of the target individual based on the stick figure movements of source. 
This process was describe in a paper by through this link by researcher from UC Berkley

Personal Review on Deepfakes

Over the years, Software like image editing such as Photoshop has been use for creating fake images and news.

But using artificial intelligence could become a dangerous mass phenomenon because it require users to use video.

This tool can be use to generate fake news and revenge porn on people.

It is expect to be turned into an app before too long, and just don’t think about the possible implications about what technology like this will do to our trust in video evidence.

Below is a YouTube Videos of how Deepfakes works:

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